Who among me feels the stress of the pace of our society? That never settle, over-committed, shop till you drop, never say die mentality. It's very American, isn't it? Something we've always prided ourselves in. We're a nation made of people who can do anything, dang it! But what is this doing to us? The relationships we value most?
My husband is a pediatric resident in his last year, which means our life has been terribly inconsistent. Each month, for the past 7 years, his schedule has changed. So the schedule for the family changes. And his time-commitments in each rotation increases or decreases along with the responsibilities.
No one warned me how much this would affect our family. How much it would affect me.
Yesterday, my husband collapsed on the bed following a 30 hour shift in the NICU. Eventually he woke and over a Valentine dinner (he lovingly prepared for me), he told me about twins born at 25 weeks into a 40 week pregnancy. Wee babies, designed by a loving Father, arrived in the world too soon. Each child is now laying in the NICU, ill-equipped to breathe as their lungs pulsate with electronic breaths that cannot be taken on their own.
How thankful it made me for two term pregnancies and for my two beautiful healthy girls. Thankful for a caring husband who works tirelessly in the hospital and in his home to care for the people God put in his life. Gratitude is good for the soul.
Lately I've been thinking more about what it means to "slow down." To care for the things of our home in a timely manner, so that I don't face stress because I have to rush to be done with them. To sit and reflect in order to process the good God is doing in my life. To get lost staring out my window at the snow or the sun or the sky. To relax.
My husband is a pediatric resident in his last year, which means our life has been terribly inconsistent. Each month, for the past 7 years, his schedule has changed. So the schedule for the family changes. And his time-commitments in each rotation increases or decreases along with the responsibilities.
No one warned me how much this would affect our family. How much it would affect me.
Yesterday, my husband collapsed on the bed following a 30 hour shift in the NICU. Eventually he woke and over a Valentine dinner (he lovingly prepared for me), he told me about twins born at 25 weeks into a 40 week pregnancy. Wee babies, designed by a loving Father, arrived in the world too soon. Each child is now laying in the NICU, ill-equipped to breathe as their lungs pulsate with electronic breaths that cannot be taken on their own.
How thankful it made me for two term pregnancies and for my two beautiful healthy girls. Thankful for a caring husband who works tirelessly in the hospital and in his home to care for the people God put in his life. Gratitude is good for the soul.
Lately I've been thinking more about what it means to "slow down." To care for the things of our home in a timely manner, so that I don't face stress because I have to rush to be done with them. To sit and reflect in order to process the good God is doing in my life. To get lost staring out my window at the snow or the sun or the sky. To relax.

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