Because I seriously hate to clean, I didn't really think I was much of the nesting kind. That, and I really don't like the word "nesting" because I don't consider myself to be very bird-like. BUT, one of my Kentucky friends pointed out that nesting is just getting things ready for your baby to come. So I find myself being compared to a bird, or behaving like one, I'm not sure which. I actually feel like I'm storing up for the winter, so I think I should call it "squirreling." Squirrelador anyone?
I've included pictures of most all of my handiwork over the past few weeks. I've been feeling like being a busybody because I know that I probably won't have time for business here in the next few months (I'm currently 36 weeks pregnant).
Enjoy the pictures!
I totally stole this idea, but I just love the black and white crib cards. I'm going to laminate them soon...
This is the moby-type wrap I made for myself to wear. It was quite simple to make, so easy, in fact, that I made a little bag to store it in. Yes, I'm a nerd.
Nursing pads!!! With Ellie, I went through these things by the box full and call me cheap, but I don't want to keep buying the disposable one's! This is half of my new collection of nursing pads. I hope I made them correctly... guess I'll find out soon enough.
This is my very first attempt at a Montessori infant ball. It really wasn't that hard to make and turned out pretty cool, I think.
My daughter Ellie is famous, did you know? She gets so much mail around here it hurts (the fridge door, that is). I finally came up with a way to display all of her cards and photos that are sent to her weekly... a scrap book! Sorta. I don't scrap, but we're going to stick all of her cards on the pages in here so she can sit down and flip through it herself - and see how much people love her!
I made Ellie a green minky blanket before she was born so I decided to make one for this bebe too. It's Ellie's absolute favorite blanket because of how soft it is. She seems to think that anything this soft belongs to her (and needs to go everywhere with her), so I've already had to hide this blanket and it's matching little one's. Now you know if I tried to make a replacement blanket for Ellie she would freak out, don't you?
Ellie was so darn long that she outgrew our receiving blankets waaaaay before she outgrew the need for swaddling. Being proactive as I am, I decided to whip up a few large flannel blankets for Newbie. I already had the fabric, it was just patiently waiting for it's purpose! Voila!
Wow you are amazing. I would pay mucho buckos for all of that stuff. Hmmm, another business idea for ya, hee, hee!!
Good grief, girl! You are a powerhouse! I love that Montessori ball! So cool that you can make those!
Hey, you called me a powerhouse! Spanks! The infant ball wasn't really that hard to make, do you sew?
Very impressed - I hope I have your energy when I make it to 36 weeks pregnant! The infant ball is awesome!
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