Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Diaper Bags

Well, when I found out I was having a girl (now, my almost 2 year old) the first thing I made was a diaper bag. I took a look at my Vera Bradly bag and wanted to make something similar. So, I used it as my pattern. Now, this was in my pre-pattern days... where I was a sewing renegade and didn't bother to use patterns. I loathed them, to many words and weird directions. But the first time I made an outfit for Ellie without a pattern it took so long that I thought I would shoot myself. So, I started using patterns with the birth of my daughter. And I still don't like most of them.

Back to the diaper bag. I decided I wanted a quilted fabric, but the stuff I found at my local stores left much to be desired. So, I just took on the task of quilting it myself. This took me two evening sewing sessions (I had to break it down), because I thought I was going to drive my car off the next bridge I crossed trying to machine quilt for the first time. I swore I would never quilt any more fabric again... ever! But I finished my bag and it was so cute that I didn't care how awful quilting the fabric was.

I should have learned my lesson with my first bag, but nooooo. My sister in law asked me to make her little girl's diaper bag and, of course, I said "yes!" It's like giving birth, you sort of forget how difficult it all is and convince yourself you want more babies because "the end result is worth it." Well the end result IS worth it, but you still go bonkers during the process. So, I went bonkers making Katy's (sis in law) bag, but it turned out better than Ellie's, so that makes it totally worthwhile. Plus, now Katy has one of the only two quilted bags I will ever machine quilt. Pretty special.

So, I can honestly tell you that I probably won't be quilting ANY MORE of these bags... ever ever. But they turned out cute and Ellie's bag is still going strong after almost 2 years.

Keep on sewing!

My Bag

Katy's Bag


Heather said...

LOVE the diaper bags. The fabrics are both so pretty and really just fun.

Katy said...

Thanks so much for making our little one a bag and for quilting it! We're so glad you didn't drive off of a bridge! By the way, I would still like the fabric scraps if there were any left. Love, Katy

Anonymous said...

Looking for diaper bags? You’ve come to the right place. Spacify has a wide selection of Unique Diaper Bags.