So about three weeks ago a friend of mine looked at my fridge and said "wow, your fridge looks really healthy." I chuckled. Does it??
This got me thinking. While we don't eat typical SAD (Standard American Diet), we don't adhere to just one of the "natural-y" ways of eating. I've read several books - so many that hubby can't keep up with them all, haha. From vegan, to raw, to macrobiotics, to clean food, to nutritarian, to body ecology... there have been many a diet change in our home in the past three or so years. A common thread in all books/articles/videos that I have viewed is this: eat more (green) veggies, legumes/beans, nuts, fruits, and it 'em raw if you can. Eat less refined or pre-made anything - cookies, crackers, sugary treats. And less dairy and meat. Seriously, they all say this.
Sometimes it seems profound and other times it seems too simple. And why oh why is it so difficult to do?
As for my fridge, is it healthy? Hm...
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