Monday, October 4, 2010

Quote of inspiration

Do you realize how GOOD you feel when you get rid of stuff?!

Stuff you don't need. Stuff that clutters your home. Stuff that's falling out of closets and storage spaces. Stuff that you didn't even remember you had. Stuff that you're keeping just in case you need it someday.


So. All of this cleaning out has really got me feeling awesome. And quite different. Maybe it's more of a way of thinking, but it's different. What I've been doing is examining the things we use, the things we do, and what we want to do. I'm trying going to make sure our life and our stuff fit well together.

I love this quote by Seth Godin:

“Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, you ought to set up a life you don’t need to escape from.”

I suppose you could say that this is what I've been up to. Setting up a life that I don't need an escape from. Sounds great, doesn't it?