Hubs got this in the mail yesterday and we were both really surprised. Unsure of what to do with it (pass it on and let someone else actually wear it? or put it in the garbage?) we just tossed it. Awful, I know. We were both horrified that the beef industry is now going after the medical industry with gusto. I mean, really? They must be suffering a bit with everyone touting the benefits of abstaining from meat. Makes me laugh, really. Now that I think about it, I should probably post something about what we eat and why. That will come one of these days!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Hubs got this in the mail yesterday and we were both really surprised. Unsure of what to do with it (pass it on and let someone else actually wear it? or put it in the garbage?) we just tossed it. Awful, I know. We were both horrified that the beef industry is now going after the medical industry with gusto. I mean, really? They must be suffering a bit with everyone touting the benefits of abstaining from meat. Makes me laugh, really. Now that I think about it, I should probably post something about what we eat and why. That will come one of these days!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Don't you worry!!
Ok, so in case you've been wondering where all the pictures and interesting posts are about our de-stuffing process are... they're coming! I've just been keeping up with life the past few weeks while sorting our junk and it's been time-consuming to say the least! I've documented a lot of this process and even made a detailed list of everything we've donated (to friends or charity organizations).
Right now I'm working on my fabric collection. Man. I've recently found an organizational system that I think will work really well for me and I'm re-folding all of my fabric. Next up I have to sort through a massive stack of magazines that I can't seem to throw away without looking at the dog-eared pages.
But I'm posting a picture of a dress I made last week for a gift for a new friend of Ellie's, so here are a few pictures for you to look at! Ellie is modeling it, but we gave it away to her friend Kennedi.

Right now I'm working on my fabric collection. Man. I've recently found an organizational system that I think will work really well for me and I'm re-folding all of my fabric. Next up I have to sort through a massive stack of magazines that I can't seem to throw away without looking at the dog-eared pages.
But I'm posting a picture of a dress I made last week for a gift for a new friend of Ellie's, so here are a few pictures for you to look at! Ellie is modeling it, but we gave it away to her friend Kennedi.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
An unexamined life is not worth living.
I've been doing a LOT of thinking lately. As much as I have enjoyed cleaning out my home for the past 3 weeks, I've been slowing down. I'm reaching a point where I have to either sell an item on craigslist or think about if I really want to get rid of something (china?). So there have been several days where me and the girls have been enjoying a slower pace.
For me this means taking time to reflect. It's been wonderful. Spending time in the hammock (yes, even with the girlies)... talking walks with the girls... focusing on Jesus and listening to what he wants for me... visiting with Ellie (my 3 year old)... gazing at the clouds as they move across the sky...
Very refreshing.
Why don't you try it?
I've been doing a LOT of thinking lately. As much as I have enjoyed cleaning out my home for the past 3 weeks, I've been slowing down. I'm reaching a point where I have to either sell an item on craigslist or think about if I really want to get rid of something (china?). So there have been several days where me and the girls have been enjoying a slower pace.
For me this means taking time to reflect. It's been wonderful. Spending time in the hammock (yes, even with the girlies)... talking walks with the girls... focusing on Jesus and listening to what he wants for me... visiting with Ellie (my 3 year old)... gazing at the clouds as they move across the sky...
Very refreshing.
Why don't you try it?
Monday, October 4, 2010
Quote of inspiration
Do you realize how GOOD you feel when you get rid of stuff?!
Stuff you don't need. Stuff that clutters your home. Stuff that's falling out of closets and storage spaces. Stuff that you didn't even remember you had. Stuff that you're keeping just in case you need it someday.
So. All of this cleaning out has really got me feeling awesome. And quite different. Maybe it's more of a way of thinking, but it's different. What I've been doing is examining the things we use, the things we do, and what we want to do. I'm trying going to make sure our life and our stuff fit well together.
I love this quote by Seth Godin:
“Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, you ought to set up a life you don’t need to escape from.”
I suppose you could say that this is what I've been up to. Setting up a life that I don't need an escape from. Sounds great, doesn't it?
Stuff you don't need. Stuff that clutters your home. Stuff that's falling out of closets and storage spaces. Stuff that you didn't even remember you had. Stuff that you're keeping just in case you need it someday.
So. All of this cleaning out has really got me feeling awesome. And quite different. Maybe it's more of a way of thinking, but it's different. What I've been doing is examining the things we use, the things we do, and what we want to do. I'm trying going to make sure our life and our stuff fit well together.
I love this quote by Seth Godin:
“Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, you ought to set up a life you don’t need to escape from.”
I suppose you could say that this is what I've been up to. Setting up a life that I don't need an escape from. Sounds great, doesn't it?
Food & Grocery Thoughts
Ok, so let me let you in on a little secret: I buy too much food. Betcha didn't expect that, hah. I can't help it! I'm easily sucked in by fabulous clean foods, seasonal produce, anything unprocessed, interesting meat-free items, all grains, fun pastas, interesting flours, weird beans (fava, anyone?) and most everything that has no GMO's. I love love LOVE good food, or at least good for you food anyway. My kitchen cabinets and fridge are very very full of it.
I have read and considered just about every type of eating out there. Vegetarian, Vegan, Raw, Macrobiotics, Dr Fuhrman... I will most definitely be blogging about our diet changes over the past few years, but not right now. I seem to be chasing a rabbit. Back to the point!
One would argue (not that I would, ahem, know or anything...) that we have enough food for our family of 4 to eat off of for two or three weeks very comfortably. If you count the freezer, well, then we have enough food for about a month, easily. So as you can see, I need to work on this. Food hoarding, hah.
Here are some things I am vowing to work on:
- Trying to eat up what we have before buying a bunch of stuff, grains and all. Freezer too! That's going to be hard because I like fresh produce, but it's one of my new missions... no one ever said going through our house would be quick work.
- Formulate a plan! A menu is a novel idea. But better than a menu is to understand the way our family eats. We don't do well with a menu because it does not lend well to our food impulses ("I feel like eating breakfast tonight! But we didn't put it on the menu. Dang." this scenario does NOT work for us). Which is why we end up with so much food. I need to find a way to work on this.
- Actually sticking with a plan when I go into the grocery store and not impulse buying
- Entertaining the idea of getting rid of our deep freezer. Shock of the century! I have had a love affair with this deep-freeze for quite a while now and I am totally amazed that I am thinking of getting rid of it. But we don't use it like we used to! When we first got it, it held a lot of meats and convenience foods. Both of which we don't eat any more. Hm...
Here are a few embarrassingly incriminating photos:
My baking corner cabinet is full of at least 4 bags of flour - which does not count the small containers of flour in the top pink baskets. Coming from a family of bakers, I have always thought it unfit to have a kitchen without the necessary ingredients for a cake, brownies, or cookies of all sorts (obviously). As our diets have changed, we've still made room for goodies! But perhaps I have too much flour?
This cabinet houses our grains, pastas, beans, peanut butter, nuts/seeds, dried fruits, and sea veggies. It used to actually have a lot more food in it, but I've actually been working on getting rid of the stockpile of food in here for a bit.
I have read and considered just about every type of eating out there. Vegetarian, Vegan, Raw, Macrobiotics, Dr Fuhrman... I will most definitely be blogging about our diet changes over the past few years, but not right now. I seem to be chasing a rabbit. Back to the point!
One would argue (not that I would, ahem, know or anything...) that we have enough food for our family of 4 to eat off of for two or three weeks very comfortably. If you count the freezer, well, then we have enough food for about a month, easily. So as you can see, I need to work on this. Food hoarding, hah.
Here are some things I am vowing to work on:
- Trying to eat up what we have before buying a bunch of stuff, grains and all. Freezer too! That's going to be hard because I like fresh produce, but it's one of my new missions... no one ever said going through our house would be quick work.
- Formulate a plan! A menu is a novel idea. But better than a menu is to understand the way our family eats. We don't do well with a menu because it does not lend well to our food impulses ("I feel like eating breakfast tonight! But we didn't put it on the menu. Dang." this scenario does NOT work for us). Which is why we end up with so much food. I need to find a way to work on this.
- Actually sticking with a plan when I go into the grocery store and not impulse buying
- Entertaining the idea of getting rid of our deep freezer. Shock of the century! I have had a love affair with this deep-freeze for quite a while now and I am totally amazed that I am thinking of getting rid of it. But we don't use it like we used to! When we first got it, it held a lot of meats and convenience foods. Both of which we don't eat any more. Hm...
Here are a few embarrassingly incriminating photos:
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Questions for those with less

Here are some questions I have for those people who have few things:
1. If you don't have many clothes, do you have to do laundry more often? Isn't that a benefit of having more clothes? Wouldn't this end up taking you more time and sort-of cancel out any benefit of having less so you can do more?
2. If you only have a very few dishes (say, enough to make it through a day) then what do you do when you have guests?
3. How did you decide what to keep and what to get rid of? Have you gotten rid of something you wish you had kept and what was it?
4. What the heck do you do with memorabilia? Pictures, kids first drawings, really good notes and cards from people you love?
That's it for now!
If you are reading and would like to comment, feel free!! I'd love to know your thoughts, if you have downsized, or if you would like to. Whatever.
Thing Categories

Due to the nature of what I've been spending a LOT of time doing lately (cleaning out my stuff), I've been doing a lot of thinking. Well... while I'm think about when/if I'm actually going to use the item in my hand, I'm watch my 13 month old and make sure her wobbly walking doesn't give her a concussion, and play "house" with my 3 year old, and I've been thinking! Have I mentioned that I love to think? I should have been an analyst. Anyway. Here goes:
Why have I kept so much stuff? I think I was hanging on to stuff in hopes that I would use it, I love useful things. That seems logical, right? Okay... but why? Other times I was hanging onto something because it held some great memories for me. [Infant clothes had amassed in a giant rubbermaid tub. Like, a freakish amount of onsies and pj's. I sorted through those puppies in record time and plan to share them with a friend of mine who's pregnant with a girl.] I am making some great progress, but at times I can get overwhelmed with what to keep. Everything? Nothing? How crazy am I going to get with this sorting thing? I'm working on finding a BALANCE that's right for our family. Not taking someone elses guidelines for important stuff and trying to fit my stuff into their categories and getting frustrated because it's not working for me (are you guessing that this has been happening? :) So while thinking, I've come up with some categories for my things that are listed below.
Here are a few categories for my things (our things, whatever):
I use it every day. Or near about every day. Or I absolutely cannot function without it. There are some obvious things that fall into this category like toothpaste and shoes. It's those things I use every once in a while that I'm having difficulty deciding if it needs to stay or can find a better home elsewhere (more on that category in a second).
I use it to create things. Sewing falls in this category for me. I simply LOVE to sew. I have recently discovered that I don't love to shop, as I had once thought, but only because I discovered how very much I love sewing. Now, I've actually had to question "creating" for once. Because creating for a need is worthwhile, whereas creating for excess is a waste of my time. So I've stopped sewing for the moment until my home has been cleaned out. Simple as that.
It brings me great joy. I love to journal and read, therefore I have lots of books and journals. I particularly love books that will make me smarter (ha) or that I find "useful," such as My art book collection which I once loved (I was an art major), have actually been reduced over the years. Quite frankly, I don't look at them any more. But I kept the really really good one's, one day I'll have time, right? Now, there is an entire shelf of our bookshelf in the bedroom with my journals. Hm... A few nights ago I said to Hubby "I wonder if anyone is every going to want to read those" and he looked quizzically at me and said "Are you ever going to want to read them?" My love of books has spilled over in to cookbooks, of course. But about two years ago we made some serious diet changes and I still held on to a lot of my traditional cookbooks. About 5 months ago I decided since it had been about a year and a half since I had used them, well... they got the boot.
I use it every once in a while. The bread machine, for example, is going on craigslist because I've recently found a fantastic (and I do mean fantastic) way to make bread that I'm a bit obsessed about and will blog about soon. Moving on.
I never really use it but like it. Hm... should I keep it then? Rollerblades fit in here. I LOVE to skate, I did it for years. But since I've had children, I haven't skated. I've run. The verdict is still out on the rollerblades, but I'm leaning towards keeping them because I hope to skate with my girls one day and don't want to have to run out and buy a new pair of skates/rollerblades because I was going crazy getting rid of my things and gave them away. I have a ton of other things that fit into this category, but frankly, I haven't really made it out of the playroom in 3 days because the sorting has been intense (hey, it's where all of my art supplies, the girls toys and craft things, baby clothing, office things, and attic is. I'll probably be in here for a while longer). Another thing that fits into this category is the china we got when we married. China! Agony. I'll have to think about this for a while. I never use it, but I like it.
I never use it. So why do I keep it? It gets tossed! Extra wires, cords, cd cases, strange fabric, clothes that don't fit, bags (I've had a very long love affair with bags and totes of all kinds), lamps, decorating things...
Now that I think about it, I've actually been reducing my stuff for quite a while. But I've still been holding on to too much and that's why I'm on this adventure!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Made it!
I made this smoothie today and it's awesome!!! Very filling and quite good. My 3 year old liked it because it was pink and my husband asked if it had protein in it (um, no). Try it, you'll like it!
How do you like my iphone photography standing in my kitchen? I didn't remember to take a picture of it until after I had finished it.
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