So just in case you thought I had forgotten about this lovely blog of mine... I haven't! I've been thinking about SO many things lately and have honestly been too busy to post any of my thoughts. They are coming eventually. But for now I'm putting up some pictures of our de-stuffing process. I cannot believe how much we've gotten rid of, yet how much we still have! At the moment, I'm doing my best to find a proper balance for our family. I've discovered that some of us have a more consumerist view of owning things (the more the better, right?), and for most of my life I've fallen into this category of consumer. I don't really fit there any more, so this process has been interesting, to say the least. Also, very humbling and at times embarrassing - especially considering the stuff we had amassed when there is so much need elsewhere.
Cleaning out the girls closet

I know this picture is sideways, but there are mounds of storage containers in my home now... nothing to put in them.

In these boxes were clothing from my two daughters first year of life. Tons and tons of clothes that were hardly worn. They were sorted and fit into the blue tub in the next picture.

These are all the clothes, blankets, and shoes got rid of from the above bins. I gave them to a friend who is due with a girl in January. She was thrilled.

Packed up for a garage sale at a friends house! Sold most of it for next to nothing.

One of many before and after shots... I'm still not done with most of the organization that needs to happen. It takes so much time!

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